Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Baglace by Desi

Desi was a student of mine for 4 years in Centro Montessori. She is currently in 1st year at PSHS, doing us proud by showing what she can do both in academics and in extra-curriculars. Last year, she started making
and selling her baglaces. These are jewelry made to adorn the bag. These laces are all one-of-a-kind. She never repeats the design.
While shopping,
many people have approached me
to ask where I
got the baglaces.

Last year, I gave many of these for Christmas gifts. This year, because of her school schedule, I can't tell if she'll be able to produce enough of them. I'm hoping that she can make more of them as they make pretty good gifts to even send abroad.

By the way, she is saving money to buy a piano since she also plays the piano quite well. ---Oh, did I mention that she's color-blind? Galing, 'no? Am so proud of her!

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