Monday, April 7, 2008

Joined in Time

For A Peek Into Yesterday's Becky Fleck's Pagemaps, Sketch Map#1, I made this LO of Galo and myself, about how a mother's connection to her child is strong and grows stronger in time.

The visible journal is a poem from George Eliot for ATB Passion. It reads: What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined... to strengthen each be at one with each other in silent unspeakable MEMORIES.

Underneath the poem is the hidden journal which says: I've been waiting for you for so long, that when you finally did arrive, I could hardly believe it. The bond I felt with you was so strong, it was overwhelming. Yet, I now feel connected to you a million times more since then. Over the years, you made me your mother, and I made you my son. We are joined together. Time will only make our bond stronger.

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